United Nations

17 USC § 107 Limitations on Exclusive Rights – FAIR USE



          We estimate that our United Nations Trip will cost approximately $28,700 - $30,000 for our Task Group (i.e. which consist of approximately seven [7] Delegates). Below is a draft of our Itinerary. The FAILURE of the
League of Nations opened the door for the NAZIS / Jews / Zionists to create their UNITED NATIONS Organization – i.e. which primary allegiance is to the “NEW” World Order Agenda for “GLOBAL” White Supremacy and to ELIMINATE and / or place “ALL” Native Nations and their People up under what has become known as “WHITE POWER / RULE!” That is unlawful, in VIOLATION of International Laws, the Nuremberg Principles, and much more; as well as is in keeping with Germany’s NAZI Leader Adolf Hitler’s crazed MENTALITY and, from History, the World knows what happened to him! Nevertheless, from record EVIDENCE, Adolf Hitler’s “NEW” World Order Agenda has been underway PRIOR to his arrival and WELL AFTER his alleged demise! The United Nations is a PRODUCT of Adolf Hitler’s, the Nazis’ and Jews’ / Zionists’ vision in obtaining their “OWN” World of WHITE / NAZI / JEWISH Dominance! Therefore, we believe in the interest of JUSTICE that Native Nations will be better served with being presented and / or allowed to seek “ALTERNATIVES” to the United Nations because there is a present CONFLICT OF INTEREST that has for CENTURIES / DECADES adversely impacted them and favorably enhanced the lives of the WHITE Man / NAZIS / Jews / Zionists and their EUROPEAN Counterparts – i.e in the quest for GLOBAL World dominance! Our estimation for this Historical Mission is provided in the below document:
