Chickasaw Tribal Nation
c/o Vogel Denise Newsome - Prime Minister
Utica International Embassy
Post Office Box 31265
Jackson, Mississippi 39286
Phone: (888) 700-5056 or (601) 885-3324
Chickasaw Tribal Nation
c/o Vogel Denise Newsome - Prime Minister
Utica International Embassy
Post Office Box 31265
Jackson, Mississippi 39286
Phone: (888) 700-5056 or (601) 885-3324
We are demanding the lifting of “ALL” Sanctions the United States of America / United States Officials, Representatives, Employees and / or Legal Counsel, etc. have issued against Native Nations, their Government Officials and / or People . . . We look forward in lawfully challenging the United States . . . to provide what lawful authority (if any) is their CORPORATION operating through in the implementation of alleged sanctions imposed on SOVEREIGN Nations (i.e. NOT Corporations / Companies)! Furthermore, we look forward to lawfully DEMANDING the grounds asserted for such unlawful sanctions and demand that those who have IMPOSED what we believe to also FRIVILOUS Sanctions, present EVIDENCE (and not mere verbal ramblings, etc.) to support their Nazi / Jewish / Zionist Officials’ lawful authority to impose sanctions and that said sanctions have not been imposed for ill purposes – i.e. role in Nazi Germany’s . . . New World Order Agenda for GLOBAL White Supremacy, Ethnic Cleansing, Genocide, Apartheid, etc.
Does it make sense that NATIVE Nations sit on Lands / Territories which provide the World with a vast amount of GLOBAL Resources; however, these Native Nations are LABELED by the White Man as a "THIRD-World Nation" and their People are SUFFERING while the "WHITE" Man / NAZIS / Jews / Zionists "LIVE OFF OF THE RESOURCES from Native Lands" and then LAUGH and STEAL / ROB them of their OWN Resources? Clearly, the WHITE Man's ECONOMICS have FAILED!